Guitar Lessons in The heart of Watford
Group Guitar Lessons that Build Confidence, fuel creatvity, aid mental development and help children in the watford comunity thrive!

Book Your Guitar Lessson Today!

Our Guitar Lessons
Are perfect for beginners!
Are grouped by age and ability!
Are structured for maximum success!
Are held weekly in the heart of Watford !

Book Your Guitar Lessson Today!
Check out this free video lesson!
Why Guitar Group Lessons?
Our Watford Group guitar lessons are a fantastic way for young people to learn Guitar. Many people wrongly believe 1-on-1 lessons are the best way to learn something, however if this was true then schools would teach everything 1-on-1. Group guitar lessons give students the opportunity to engage in a far more interactive setting. Students learn just as much from interacting with each other as they do from the lesson content.

"We live in Watford..why are your guitar lessons the best?"
Our Watford Students benefit from
An experienced dedicated team with well over a decades worth of experience.
Full lesson plans and video recaps that can be accessed at home.
Full song video Library with all the practice work documented!
The opportunity to take graded exams once their foundations are set on their instrument!
"My Son/Daughter is quite shy..is this a good fit for them?"
ABSOLUTLEY! Guitar Lessons are in our opinion the best way to boost confidence! We'd even argue it's better than sporting acitivities. This is because many of your son/daughters peers will be able to run, jump, kick footballs etc. What better confidence boost than knowing that they have a skill or talent that is totally unique to them!

"My Son/Daughther struggles with academic subjects..would it be too much?"
No. The Guitar is possibly ther most accessible instrument for all education levels. This means that visual learners are who excel in academia are suited. However more kinesthetic learners are also a great fit because the guitar can be learned from just physically picking the instrument up and just playing along!

Book Your Guitar Lessson Today!

We Ensure Our Students Succed Using a Market Leading All in One Teaching Tool Known As The Guitar Gateway Program

The one stop shop for all your guitar lesson needs.
Full Lesson Plans
Full video breakdowns
video Song Library
Practice tools to help at home
All the tools to help kids learn
Which means:
No need to buy extra books
No more random paper
no more random lessons
No more confusion at home
No more messy Guitar Lesson notes
Students need clarity. Be having all there work laid out in a digital format it means there is no more random notes or books. This means all the information and lesson plans are all laid out in one place. This means the learning process is simple and easy to follow

Home Guitar Practice Made Simple
All the progress of guitar is fuelled by the practice at home. Being told 'Do what we did today at home' isn't good enough. Your child needs a clear path to follow and a routine they can stick to. Having access to the material online in video format means all educational levels are able to thrive.
Faster progress with our guitar lessons
With clear information and clarity around expectations students progress faster. They know not only what is important to learn also the role it plays in their guitar playing. This means our students can learn songs faster and excel quicker.